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Old Mountain Farm First Blush  4*M
ADGA# D1854362
DOB: March 28, 2017



Sire: Old Mountain Farm Allegiance
SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos ++*B
*Littermate brother to:

Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn +*B

(2017 ADGA Premier Sire)
SD: Old Mountain Farm Wirosa

Dam: Old Mountain Farm Fat Tuesday
3*M EEEE91
GCH Old Mountain Farm Merriment 3*M  (*Littermate sister) 

(2017 ADGA National Champion, Best Udder, & part of the 2017 ADGA Best Dairy Herd)
DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B
*2018 Premier Sire and sire to the 2018 ADGA Reserve National Champion
DD: Old Mountain Farm Anahita 2*M

Show Wins: 

2019 Nationals: 18th place in a class of 145  2 y/o milkers as an FF


Blushy is a very correct doe with wonderful length, depth of body, and an all around beauty. Her dairy skin is so soft and pliable. Regrettably, Blushy suffered from mastitis on one side of her udder, preventing her from being. She is an exceptional doe, and we believe she would have excelled in the ring. We are so fond of her genetics that in November 2023 we chose to incorporate her daughter, Agape's Prize TQuinn, into our herd. We are eager to see contributions both will bring. In 2024, Cheryle Moore-Smith from Old Mountain Farm offered Blushy's dam, Old Mountain Farm Fat Tuesday 3*M EEEE (permanent score)., we seized the opportunity. What beautiful girls!

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