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DCP TN Undeniably Royal
ADGA# D2206551
DOB: April 22, 2021



Sire: Creekwood Acres Top Notch *B
SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable ++B
SD: GCH TX Twincreeks Que Sera Sera 3*M VEEE 91

Dam: DCP Unmistakably Royal
DS: Creekwood Acres Unmistakable
DD: Aries KS Daddy's Lil Princess

Show Wins:

Strut the Rut Neosho Oct. 2023:

Ring 1: Scratched (Karen Smith)

Ring 2: Sr. Grand and BOB (Greg Murphy)

Ring 3: 1st Place, Reserve Champion (Jane Robinett)

Ring 4: Scratched (Justin Bassett)

Ring 5: 2nd Place, Sr. Reserve (Will Keech)

Ring 6: 2nd Place, Sr. Reserve (Yvonne Blosser)


Oklahoma State Fair Sept. 2023:

Named Best Jr. Get of Sire both rings

Three daughters named best Jr. does both rings

This buck has it all. This flashy boy is long, level, deep, and very dairy.  His kids are consistently scoring at the top of their class in every ring. One has been first in 7/8 classes and has been awarded Jr. Champion in 4/8 rings. She has been a "close second for BIS multiple times.
He was recently awarded Jr. Get of Sire in both rings at the 2023 Oklahoma State Fair.  Three of his daughters were the Top 3 Jr. Does in both rings as well.  
At the Strut the Rut buck show in Neosho, MO 10/23, he was consistently at the top of his class and earned Sr. Champion, BOB, in one ring and multiple Sr. Reserve awards.

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